
Archives for ‘Website Content’

Avtex Website Update

As the Content Strategist for Avtex, I played a large role in the redesign and redevelopment of the organization’s website. Throughout the process, I worked closely with the vendor to help develop the overall strategy for the website, including the site’s information architecture, branding and more. In addition to content consulting, I also wrote a good deal of the site’s content.

Click the image below to view the website.

Medtronic Website

As a contract Content Strategist with Medtronic, I work with business partners to develop roadmaps for updating and creating website content. Below are just a few samples of website content I have consulted on. Click on the images below to view each section.

Care Management Services


Deep Brain Stimulation


Spinal Cord Stimulation


Columbia ThreadNeedle

As a contractor with Ameriprise Financial, I provided UX-focused content strategy consulting and execution during a major rebrand of the organization’s Columbia ThreadNeedle website. While I worked on the entire website, two main areas of focus during my tenure on the project included the 529 Plan and Contact Us sections. Click on the images below to view more.

529 Plan Section


Contact Us Section
